Sunday, May 31, 2009

all the survivors of the Titanic are now dead, the glacier is still somewhere in the atlantic ocean .. it had the last laugh
ugh, i'm failing at .htaccess mod_rewrite, anybody wanna help?
8 of the 10 trending topics on Twitter are about the MTV Movie Awards (and yes, I just added to the topic) - kinda crazy, tweens run the world?
thank you .. now I can pretend to be on the east coast and watch these award shows 3 hours early.
leaving the apartment for the first time this weekend, going grocery shopping. i want some new stuff for dinner, any suggestions ?
rain blood, mi ah go mek it rain blood, rain blood, mi ah go mek it rain blood, rain blood, mi ah go mek it rain blood
hungry at 1 .. hot pocket it is, then back to coding so i can finish this damn site. June Launch? follow @screenings and @freemovies

Saturday, May 30, 2009

June 26th, Spectrum Festival with Major Lazer (DIplo and Switch). Calendar Marked.
putting some Black Eyed Peas, Dolla, OJ Da Juiceman, Fabolous, and Luda @onLoop, going into hypnotized zombie code mode
my laptop is running so much better without gmail and facebook memory leaks .. i might not have to buy a new one now
watching Jamaica run in Track and Field at the Reebok Grand Prix (on tv)
trying out @digsby - I really like it so far, don't think i'll be logging into any websites anymore
Ally (formerly GMAC) has a 2.80% APY 1-year CD .. I might pull the trigger tomorrow, anyone know of anything better ?

Friday, May 29, 2009

question: how do i get some press on @techcrunch @mashable @rww @cnet etc ?
my G1 just updated .. new android startup screen is already awesomeness ... is this finally cupcake!? (kinda wish i got the dev2 from google io .. oh well =/)
so happy its Friday, now to get home and get to work! :P
Critical Mass San Francisco
Critical Mass San Francisco
playing Lion King songs in the office, first Circle of Life, now it's Can You Feel The Love Tonight
Thanks Eclipse: An internal error occurred while showing an internal error.
Thanks Eclipse: An internal error occurred while showing an internal error.
Thanks Eclipse: An internal error occurred while showing an internal error.
how the f* is Costco out of fruit snacks? this is some bullshit ...
I think my gatech email is officially gone cause I'm not receiving facebook updates anymore...but I don't wanna change my email on facebook =/

Thursday, May 28, 2009

well that game proves there is no I in team, but that doesn't matter cause Lebron is the I and he said GTFO
who's calling me from an unkown number? maybe I should pick up .. haha, thank you google voice - just saw it was yet another recruiter
i haven't changed my status in a while .. were you getting worried ?
way too much hype for Google's a glorified wiki with universal logins on HTML 5...but I'm definitely going to io next year, and signing up for Java One today. I <3 Conferences.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

as you go through life, remember this rule...everybody's somebody's fool
watching the basketball game at the baseball game
roommate can't make the ballgame tonight (Giants vs Braves) so I have an extra ticket, any takers?
one good game down .. going to the Braves/Giants game later today
anyone know how to crash Google IO today? I work near the Moscone Center ... #io2009
so we don't have ESPN 360 and doesn't work at work .. how am I supposed to watch the Champions League today? HELP!
weird dream: while studying abroad, my teacher got call-girls for the class and mine fell in love with me, she said I had a tight ass to the class

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

i wonder if lebron is crying
let's make a toast.
I'm starting to get tired a lot easier/quicker. I need a pickmeup that's not coffee or an energy drink, any suggestions?
RT @richardhenryJust noticed this on the iPhone version - Wolfram Alpha knows everything, apart from how to spell "knowledge".
I like the sound of this lol .. Janess ft. Jim Jones - Louie Louie: @onLoop
i can't stop listening to this song, so that means you all need to listen to it too: @onLoop.
got to work by 9 am this morning .. what up
heeeeey, wah gwaan internets. whata gwaaaaan.
RT @nshn [NotSoHeadlineNews] Canadian TV rapped for Obama assassination joke - wow....

Monday, May 25, 2009

officially in the market for a new laptop and/or desktop .. let me know if you see or hear about any deals.
YES! New season of Here Comes The Newlyweds ... I love this show ;x lol...
i got a new song, it's Black Eyed Peas' Alive .. I'm pretty exciting about The E.N.D. and a single a week, this one is @onLoop
just realized I never watched the season finale of Chuck .. watching that on Hulu and then back to work on Advance Screenings ... tell me what you want added to the site
thank god I have a job .. weekday tv sucks.
just throw it in the bag
forgot to turn off my alarm for Memorial Day...FML
everyone on the east coast is asleep :-( what to do .. what to do ...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

i always knew Bert and Ernie were gangsta gangsta ANTE UP!!
ugh, puma is having a memorial day sale .. i love me some pumas
follow: and kthxbye

Saturday, May 23, 2009

to all the girls i've loved before:
my site is the 3rd search result for "advance screenings" on Google and I havent even released it yet:
ok, got my Saturday edumication on, the business world in Asia is quite amazing and scary to me - i think ppl are too ignorant and ignorant to the fact that they're ignorant
watching India Rising: The New Empire (
come on neighbors, fix your internets...
watching Made in China: The People's Republic of Profit
wow, just caught up on The Office...when did it turn into such a powerful show? 30 Rock next
interested in my new project? Be the first to follow @screenings and @freemovies on twitter!
morning all, what's everyone doing today/this weekend ?

Friday, May 22, 2009

ill get to work ... right after Wife Swap :x
heading home to SLEEP for 3 days (and work on
got woken up from my nap for a meeting .. *sigh*
thinking about throwing a couple stacks at the stock market, any suggestions or alternatives on inestments?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

T.I. over Vanessa Carlton's A Thousand Miles is pure fire. I got it @onLoop:
missed the train, hanging out at Panera Bread (free wifi) until the next one
last chance .. santigold, san francisco, ill pay for yo tickey! ;x
I really expected more from this Rihanna/Lady Gaga collabo, been listening to it for a couple days and still have nothing good to say about it. not @onLoop
woah, Lil Wayne, Kanye, TI, and Jay-Z have a new track together, it's hot, I'm gonna have this one @onLoop for sure. New music blog coming this weekend.
when did Beenie Man start trying to rap? how many songs is he on now? he hit the radio yet?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

the economy is so bad Amy Winehouse is just snorting Diet Coke now...the economy is so bad Michael Vick is working at
POLL: for a website, would you rather have choices for maps/directions (google,yahoo,and mapquest) or have the site just send you to one (google)?
gotta get on my grind, I'm not getting any younger, I ain't no Benjamin Button

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

just heard about Dolla .. RIP. Who the f is that? ..exactly =/
the new apple commercial makes me think all mac users are sex offenders, Meagan's Law, anyone? #apple #mac #ad #fail
the new apple commercial makes me think all mac users are sex offenders, Meagan's Law, anyone? #apple #mac #ad #fail
just follow my swag, twitter my style.
I dunno her name, we jus did it on the first night, Ima call her JJ cause I know that shit was dynomite!
so for anyone stalking me. I came in 118th place out of 469 teams this weekend for the Great Urban Race. 1 hour after the winners #GUR
damnit, i didnt realize I have next Monday off ... what to do, what to do.
lmfao @ Jay Rock - How to Rob 2009 -
just had some grape drank, ready to get to work
just had some grape drank, ready to get to work
I don't ever want you to leave, you're my darling, you and me were meant to be together, my darling, and if I cannot have you, no one can, you're my darling

Monday, May 18, 2009

i can't seem to shake the same distractions that keep holding me back
For Kristen and everyone else in the Miami thunderstorms. Yeah, this is on<br />my walk home :P aka the paradise of Menlo Park
For Kristen and everyone else in the Miami thunderstorms. Yeah, this is on
my walk home :P aka the paradise of Menlo Park
NO advance screenings until I finish sticking to my word, getting it done this week, rah!!
should I go to the advance screening of Terminator: Salvation tonight?
now I dont feel like watching Star Trek anymore:
why do people stand right in front of the buttons in elevators? thanks for the awkward moments
@scifi_guy reminded me I hadven't had ghetto terriyaki in a while .. so off to ichi ban
i have a pain in my neck .. massage anyone?
lol @ my horoscope as I get to work later than usual: Rushing along is not necessary and will only cause mistakes. If youre going to be late, its no problem-just call ahead and no one will mind.
mad I missed DJ Jazzy Jeff's set last week cause I thought it was this Thursday. *sigh* Terminator: Salvation tonight and Santigold Thur if I can find someone to go with

Sunday, May 17, 2009

anybody want to go see Santigold at the Warfield this Thursday?
ugh, done uploading photos to facebook. comment.
jebus christ facebook, how long have you had this incapable shitty photo interface, stop changing the news feed and update that
is there an orange liquor other than Alize?
Ravioli from pasta@moto at the westfield mall
Ravioli from pasta@moto at the westfield mall
my wrist like brrr! Gucci!
there is weed smoke in the air, I can smell it everywhere, just gimme the light. Bay to Breakers 2009. lost in the park #b2b2009
so. much. drum. and. bass. Bay to Breakers 2009. #b2b2009
I just got sprayed, dunno with what #b2b2009
going up the hill...this is why I don't live in san francisco. Bay to Breakers 2009. #b2b2009
Bay to Breakers 2009 !! find me, drink with me :P by the W right now
Bay to Breakers 2009 !! find me, drink with me :P by the W right now

Saturday, May 16, 2009

just got an ad on facebook for 'Midget Wrestling' ...apparently there's a reggae party on monday tho?
aaaaand I finished the Great Urban Race is San Francisco. *huff puff* I'm f*ing tired. Bay to Breakers tomorrow
1 clue left then the finish line ... #GUR
running around San Fran doing the great urban race #GUR
running around San Fran doing the great urban race #GUR
wow, a blimp advertising the movie "Up" good job Disney/Pixar
getting ready for the Great Urban Race in SF! (it's like amazing race but for a day and in your city) #GUR

Friday, May 15, 2009

there are only old people in san francisco, I don't think I'm moving
in the city for the weekend, what's there to do tonight?
Wolfram|Alpha doesn't know about Twitter ... fail:
co-worker brought me in Krispy Kreme donuts that I've been craving for over 2 weeks .. its like heaven in your mouth...I've had 3 so far
the ramblin wrek is today's featured article on wikipedia! (via spoerke)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

my dad might be right, the NBA rigs these playoff games
sweet, I have facebook chat on my G1 now, thanks eBuddy...need to fix the UI though
catching my regular train .. the 8:40 =x Im thinking about starting to stay in san fran later and just take the night trains home, anyone wanna hang out next week ?
@artfuld0dg3r said i haven't twatted in a while
RT @trav1sty RT @KING5Seattle: Free Viagra and other drugs for those who've lost their jobs:
imagine if facebook/twitter implemented %n tags like aim .. ;x
NorCal people .. who listens to hip hop?? I wanna get tickets to The Bomb and Rock The Bells...
@caltrain should have real-time GPS tracking
...that is a banana in my pocket
crap, another @caltrain accident, staying home till i hear trains are moving again

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Concert 1: Sean Paul, Rick Ross, Kid Cudi, Gorilla Zoe, etc. Concert 2: Damian Marley, Nas, The Roots, Common, etc. Who wants to go?
biggie, puffy, busta, victory - yes.
couldn't get myself out of bed, heading for the late train, ate an organic banana, not impressed

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

presently working on the future
ROCK CITY (the dudes that write everybody else's songs) Album Sneak Peek:
I WANT A KRISPY KREME DONUT DAMNIT .. thats one thing ATL has over SF :(
whatup everybody, anyone doing anything notable this week ?

Monday, May 11, 2009

did anybody else know NASA launched a shuttle yesterday? i dont think anybody gives a shit about space anymore...
woah, facebook updated .. another crappy change =/ hope this doesn't affect pidgin integration
still heading home cause I decided to have dinner with a friend since I missed the train
missed the train today, my fault though, stayed too long @work
wth? i was just notified that my Georgia Tech email address will be deleted in 2 weeks
I can't get enough of Ludacris Ft Young Jeezy - 285 .. got that shit @onLoop
I love waking up to sunshine

Sunday, May 10, 2009

watching Independent Lens: China Blues (about Chinese factory conditions) .. we are truly spoiled, but how can we stop to think while the world moves on
Wow, I love how Trump makes the stupidest decisions #celebrityapprentice I guess this is why entertainment celebrities don't have any money
celebrity apprentice is literally pissing me off .. no wonder our country is in an economic downturn if people think the way these people do, true stupidity #celebrityapprentice
wow, this is getting serious, Joan has GOT to be shot down now cause we all saw Annie isn't lying...come on Trump, do the right thing #celebrityapprentice
now on to #celebrityapprentice ...Annie better win!
YESH! Asians represent!! (since my other half is out the race haha) #amazingrace
ima be pissed if the deaf boy and his mom win ... #amazingrace
wtf, Amazing Race and Celebrity Apprentice at the SAME TIME? Trump, sir, you are an asshole
my CD matures in 10 days .. any tips on what to get next? highest APY I see now is 2.76% =/ thinking about getting into a mutual fund ..
uggh, just woke up from a nap .. shittttttty
damn, my whole entire family is at my house .. I'm on the other coast =/
wearing shorts and sandals again .. i feel so 305. heading to the grocery store. Safeway, not Publix, so not 305.
just cleaned my room .. i can see the floor again and no more dust bunnies as pets
Let's combine all my needs/wants. Looking for a girlfriend in San Francisco who has an apartment and is a graphics designer. Kill 3 birds with one stone :P
"The Bachelor" mustve been one crazy movie to see filmed in San Fran, hundreds of brides running around
sweet, apartment in san francisco comes with free Chinese meals (three times a day):

Saturday, May 9, 2009

"Because every mother's day needs a mother's night." You mother lover!
w00t! finally, SNL on the west coast, now to see what everyone's been talking about
hmm, laundry machine making funny noises, hope I didn't break it
i love the Visa Debit Pizza commercial, Hey Mambo! Mambo Italiano
listening to Space James "Dancehall Mixtape" and working on - today is the day
Eminem's new singles are 100x better when you watch them with the music video .. dunno how i feel abotu that
watching Bigger, Stronger, Faster* *The Side Effects of Being an American
when the fuck did it get cold? I'm gonna get hit by a car

Friday, May 8, 2009

when the fuck did it get cold? I'm gonna get hit by a car
Happy Hour
wonder if Kanye made this "I'm The Shit" song before or after his South Park episode
anyone know where I can get some Krispy Kreme donuts in the financial district of San Francisco ?
poll: women vs. men, do you feel good when people you know succeed or envious?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

just realized he's in a good situation and shouldn't be concerned about other things that would just be distractions
n*ggas are lying and tigers and bears
Yeah, we are rockstars:
it's crazy how branding and marketing work, look at the KFC brand image from the Kentucky Derby and the brand image from this Oprah coupon fiasco
if you're going to go to the movies this weekend, make sure to buy your tickets from Fandango and choose the "Get Tickets FREE! special offer"
let me introduce myself, they call me Mr. Fong, known for knowing everything and never being wrong, yes its all true, I do what I do, never did anything unless it made money too
slowly getting myself on the right track.
i need more west coast friends, anybody up ?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

so its not really about moving to san fran but finding stuff to do and good people to do it with
so its not really about moving to san fran but finding a stuff to do and good people to do it with
scanning craiglist again for an apartment in San Francisco, let me know if you see anything interesting

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

watch who you talking to like a webcam
8:40 train, long ride home (won't get home til ~10:00) ...need to find a San Fran spot (you know you wanna be my roomy)
I got my five bottles of mayonnaise ready for Cinco de Mayo ... that's what today is all about, right?
apparently the swine flu doesn't infect people who don't care. stop watching the news and you won't get sick.
holy crap, i didn't realize M$ was laying off so many .. 3-5k jobs. If you're a front end engineer looking for a job (in SF), send me your resume #layoffs #job
i'm clean like this detergent
Happy Cinco de Mayo, Patron, Coronas, Sangria, and Swine Flu on me
*sigh* suicide jumper on @caltrain, all trains stopped indefinately - not a very happy cinco de mayo
Happy Cinco de Mayo, Caronas and Swine Flu on me
nothing to see here, move along

Monday, May 4, 2009

your dude is Jamaican food .. that means you got a jerk.
Happy Star Wars Day. May the 4th be with you! (
listening to Djlegin - The Heart of Dancehall while coding at work (stream/downlaod @
>=/ wtf. favtape is down again. grrr
ok, May 09 will be the turning point for my sites, promise. advancescreenings and onloop launching public b my 23rd birthday. it's my time.
good morning all. what a glorious day Jah has provided us

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Britain's Got Talent has done it again. First, Susan Boyle, then Shaheen Jafargholi, now Jamie Pugh:
FUCK FUCK FUCK, Kisha and Jen lost the Amazing Race, I'm not watching the finals